Sunday, January 25, 2015

Great Teaching to the Test Blog!!



Sunday, January 18, 2015

My First Blog

Hello everyone,

I am really looking forward to becoming a more Tech Savvy educator and leader by all the things we will be learning in this class.  I am generally a pretty Tech Savvy guy, but I am looking forward to being stretched and learn new things to make me more effective in reaching my students.
I love what I do as an educator, but I love my family more!  And because of that, I feel like it makes me a better educator because my foundation, my family, is strong enough to build whatever I want on top of it.  I believe being a good husband and a good dad makes me a better educator and shows my students the importance of putting family first!  I love this picture.  I cry almost every time I see it.  This is my 3 year old daughter Cate, and she has my heart.  I'm looking forward to growing with you all this semester.